
Shoot to Kill Media Website Re-Design

July 25th, 2012

The new Shoot to Kill Media website recently went live. Shoot to Kill is a full service video production company that produces content for a range of applications including broadcast television, web and live performances. The guys at STK are old friends and I had a really fun time collaborating with them.

Their only request was that the new site be easy to keep up-to-date (and I mean so easy that a monkey throwing wrenches could handle it) and that the design was elegant, minimalistic and focused on their video content. The problem was that their old site was a mess and they needed to portray a more professional image to appeal to the high-end clientele that they had been pursuing.

Using the latest web technologies and my design experience I created a new website for them that reflects the image that they were trying to achieve. This project is also my first fully responsive design experiment, which means that the website now looks just as good on a mobile device with a Retina display as it does on the desktop. Basically it has been designed and built in such a way that the content size and positioning changes in real-time to accommodate the screen that it is being viewed on, kinda awesome.

To handle their ease of use request I built their website using the ExpressionEngine content management platform. ExpressionEngine has really become my go-to CMS for anything more complicated than a basic blog website. Nothing else really comes close in terms of ease of use and community support. Needless to say, the first time the client logged into the back-end and started adding content they were completely blown away. They just could not believe how easy it was to perform various tasks that previously had been a nightmare on their old system.

Overall, I had a great time with this project. I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out, but more importantly the client is also very happy with it.


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