
Devil Driver & Skeletonwitch at Club Nokia

March 11th, 2012

Skeletonwitch at Club Nokia - Photo by Bryan Crabtree

Back in September I was invited to photography Arch Enemy at Club Nokia here in Los Angeles. The show was quite impressive and two of the three opening bands were Devil Driver and Skeletonwitch. When I initially edited my Arch Enemy photos I had planned on editing the other bands soon after, well life got in the way and although I realize that it's been almost six months since the show, I finally had a moment to sit down and go through the photos. Better late then never I suppose...

Dribbble Invite Giveaway

February 16th, 2012

Double Dribbble Invite Giveaway by Bryan Crabtree

To celebrate my new website launch I have decided to give away two Dribbble invites that I received last month. For those that don't know, Dribbble is an exclusive community of amazingly creative people. I was lucky enough to have been invited a little over a year ago and the community has been a big influence in pushing me to be a better designer. 

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Iron Beasts Make Great Beauty

November 14th, 2011

BC Design Featured in Iron Beasts Make Great Beauty by Studio on Fire

I wasn't sure if this was actually going to happen, but on Saturday it was confirmed. I received a small package on my doorstep and from the packing tape I immediately knew what it was, my complimentary copy of Iron Beasts Make Great Beauty by Studio On Fire. I excitedly opened the package and started flipping through the pages. To my surprise not one, but two of my design projects were printed on its glossy pages; my business cards for Dita Eyewear and my Costa Rica Wedding Invites. Sweet!

The Expendables at Club Nokia

November 4th, 2011

The Expendables at Club Nokia © Bryan Crabtree

Shot my buddies The Expendables again last month. They opened for Pepper at Club Nokia in downtown LA. The guys put on a great show as usual and as always it was a fun show to shoot.

Bad Ass Organics - Website Re-Design

November 4th, 2011
Bad Ass Organics by BC Design
Bad Ass Organics by BC Design
Bad Ass Organics by BC Design

Bad Ass Babies Clothing recently changed their company name to Bad Ass Organics in order to appeal to a larger audience and expand their product line. They came to me for a website re-design to complement their new logo and corporate identity. I created a new website design for them that reflects the re-branding and new presence that they wanted to achieve. Make sure to check out the new website and maybe pick up a new t-shirt while you’re at it.



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